Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kurt Cobain’s body discovered 15 years ago!

On April 8th it will have been 15 years. While I feel that it is better to remember Kurt Cobain for his talent and what his Nirvana music

has meant to a whole generation, we are devoting several pages of our Kurt Cobain News website to his death.

You will find what I believe to be the real truth of what happened to

Kurt Cobain 15 years ago.

Find copies of Kurt Cobain’s Death Certificate, newspaper reports, photos

and diagrams of the crime scene and much more at:


And more Kurt Cobain crime scene photos at:


Plus you will find a tribute to Kurt Cobain at:


Of course there is more to my website than his death.

There are 20 more pages stuffed full of information and

hard-to-find photos of Nirvana


and even page after page of great revealing pictures

Frances Bean Cobain, take a look:


Thanks for letting me share my interest in Kurt Cobain and Nirvana with you.


Editor of Kurt Cobain News

Saturday, April 4, 2009

15 Years since the Death of Nirvana Seattle Grunge Rocker, Kurt Cobain…

Can you believe it? 15 years has passed already since the untimely death of Kurt Cobain.

Even if you weren’t a fan of Kurt Cobain, you have to admit that it was a terrible loss. And even after 15 years, his popularity continues to be strong, even surpassing the sales record of Elvis Presley!

My reason for writing this today is to let you know about our Kurt Cobain website, www.kurtcobainnews.com We created this website just several months ago to give a fresh insight to everything Kurt Cobain and Nirvana as well as everything you want to know about Frances Bean Cobain and Courtney Love.

I’m hoping you will take a look at out Kurt Cobain Tribute Page at:


and a great article at:


Plus I’m sure you’ll enjoy some of the great photos of Frances Bean Cobain at:


And even some photos of Frances Bean Cobain as a baby is shown with her father, Kurt Cobain. You can see these at:


Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully you will get a chance to check out our Kurt Cobain website.

Gil Carlson